Monday, April 28, 2008

And that electricity goes...

There's a GE commercial boasting that some 25% of your electricity usage is wasted by appliances that are switched off, but left plugged in. The example noted in the commercial is a toaster. Okay. If your appliance is off, and it still makes some kind of light, or heat, or sound, then I'll concede that it's sucking at least a bit of juice. But a toaster? The last time I checked, electricity doesn't dissolve into the air, and I've never seen a toaster with a standby light, so I'm not sure what they're suggesting is happening to the juice. Am I the only one here that's not retarded? Why can huge company like GE air a commercial claiming something, with no mention of research, nothing! GRRRRR. I'll try to dig up some research, and update if I can find anything...

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